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RAISE Together

RAISE Together

RAISE Together, an innovative initiative, aims to foster a dynamic and collaborative professional learning environment across schools. Its primary objective is to cultivate a culture where educators can engage in meaningful and collective learning experiences. By promoting the sharing of best practices, RAISE Together seeks to encourage educators to contribute their unique insights and expertise, thereby enriching the collective knowledge base of the entire educational community.


Inspired by the evocative quote, “Individually we are one drop; but together we are an ocean,” by Ryunosuke Satoro, RAISE Together recognises that the collective wisdom of educators has the potential to create a transformative impact on student learning. When educators come together to share their ideas, experiences, and strategies, they create a vibrant ecosystem of knowledge that benefits not only themselves but also their students and the entire educational system.

RAISE Together not only benefits educators but also has a positive impact on students.

Through RAISE Together, educators have the opportunity to engage in collaborative inquiry, peer observation, action research, and other forms of professional learning that are grounded in real-world challenges and opportunities. By working together, educators can develop innovative solutions to address the diverse needs of their students and create more equitable and inclusive learning environments.

Moreover, RAISE Together recognizes that collaboration extends beyond the walls of individual schools. By fostering connections between educators across different schools, RAISE Together promotes a sense of community and solidarity. Educators can learn from and support one another, regardless of their location or context. This interconnectedness allows for the cross-pollination of ideas and the emergence of new perspectives, leading to a richer and more dynamic educational landscape across our Trust.