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Scheme of Delegation

This Scheme of Delegation (SOD) identifies the key decisions that are required in connection with the overall governance and management of RAISE Education Trust and the individual schools within.

It should be read in conjunction with the Terms of Reference for the Finance, Audit and Risk  Committee, Pay Committee and Local Academy Committees (LAC), our Articles of Association and our Funding Agreement.

The underlying principles for this Scheme of Delegation are: 

  • That all academies are in a partnership of equals irrespective of their length of membership.
  • RAISE Education Trust is a registered charity and it remains true to its aims and objectives.
  • RAISE Education Trust is mindful that their function is to ensure that every school provides the best possible education to its students and that all statutory obligations are met.
  • RAISE Education Trust believes Local Academy Committees are vital to ensure the needs of academy students and their local community are met.
  • RAISE Education Trust exists to provide support and champion high quality education at the heart of local communities. As part of the RAISE Education Trust family, Trust academies aim to unite their students, families and other local stakeholders around this common purpose to share experience and resources, to improve standards and to maximise our contribution to our wider community. 

The Members and Trust Board of RAISE Education Trust have legal responsibility and accountability for the Trust, its schools and their performance.  This responsibility and accountability may not be delegated, but the Board may delegate duties and powers to other committees.

Powers are delegated in line with the Trust’s principles of governance.  The delegated autonomy for individual academies is aligned with the need for the Trust to fulfil its corporate responsibilities and accountabilities to the Charities Commission, Department for Education, Education and Skills Funding Agency, HMRC, Companies House as well as to our students and their parents/carers and the wider communities of academies. 

The bodies identified in the Scheme of Delegation are as follows:

  • Members – Appoint trust board and monitor effectiveness
  • Trustees – Trustees who hold the executive accountable and provide strategic direction
  • Finance, Audit and Risk Committee –  a committee of the Trust, with Terms of Reference set by the Trust
  • Pay Committee – a committee of the Trust, with Terms of Reference set by the Trust
  • Local Academy Committees – committees of the Trust, which operate subject to Terms of Reference set by the Trust
  • Chief Executive Officer – Senior Officer of the MAT
  • Chief Finance Officer – oversees aspects of IT, Finance, HR and Site management
  • Headteachers